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  Hedge-fund: 对冲基金
[ 2003-07-23 01:00 ]

最近美元走势一直不好,而金融大鳄索罗斯更是往美元的伤口上撒了把盐,说美元与欧元、加拿大元、澳元、新西兰元和黄金的比价将贬值。外电报道:George Soros, the hedge-fund manager who earned his place in trading history by betting successfully against the British pound in 1992, disclosed that the dollar would decline in value "against the euro, against the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar and gold." 文中的hedge-fund就是对冲基金的意思。 对冲基金起源于50年代的美国。经过几十年的演变,己成为一种新的投资模式的代名词。即基于最新的投资理论和极其复杂的金融市场操作技巧,充分利用各种金融衍生产品的杠杆效用,承担高风险。追求高收益的投资模式。当年索罗斯就是利用对冲基金掀起了亚洲金融风暴。