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  Capsize: 倾覆
[ 2005-03-16 09:49 ]


3月15日,涉嫌110亿美元的会计欺诈案的世通前CEO伯纳德·埃伯斯被美国联邦陪审团判定犯有欺诈罪,埃伯斯还犯有合谋罪以及向监管部门提交虚假文件的罪名。据悉,63岁的埃伯斯犯下了美国史上金额最大的欺诈罪,最多将被判入狱85年,计划在6月13日宣判。外电报道如下:Bernard Ebbers, the once-swaggering CEO of WorldCom, was convicted Tuesday of engineering the largest corporate fraud in U.S. history - an $11 billion accounting scandal that capsized the big telecom company three years ago.

The verdict marked a colossal fall for Ebbers, who had turned a humble Mississippi long-distance provider into a global telecommunications power, swallowing up companies along the way and earning the nickname "Telecom Cowboy."

A federal jury in Manhattan returned guilty verdicts on all nine counts, including securities fraud, conspiracy and lying to regulators - a decision that could send Ebbers, 63, to prison for the rest of his life. Sentencing was set for June 13.

Capsize表示“(船、车等)倾覆”,例如:It was a real miracle that the little boat capsized in the storm, but luckily didn't sink.(小船在暴风雨中倾覆,幸好没沉没,这真是个奇迹。)I capsized the canoe.(我掀翻了那只独木舟。)

