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  Ratification: 批准,承认
[ 2005-05-09 09:51 ]


5月7日,海湾六国的财政部长召开集体会议,讨论了包括2010年海湾统一货币发行和对美自由贸易协议在内的经济整合问题。外电报道如下:Finance ministers from six Gulf states met Saturday to discuss economic integration, including a unified currency and a free trade agreement with the United States, an official said.

Washington wants free trade deals with numerous Middle East countries as a prelude to President Bush's ultimate goal of creating a regional free trade area by 2013.

Bahrain has its own agreement awaiting U.S. Congress ratification. Two other members of the six-state Gulf Cooperation Council -- Oman and the United Arab Emirates -- have started talks on free trade deals with the U.S.

Ratification表示“批准,承认,签署认可”,其动词形式为ratify,例如:to ratify the treaty(批准条约);ratify an amendment to a constitution(批准宪法修正案)。

