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Take into custody: 拘留,拒捕

Take into custody

6月12日,伊朗省会城市阿瓦士的政府办公大楼等地发生四起连环炸弹爆炸事件,造成至少9人死亡,近40人受伤。胡齐斯坦省副省长沙里阿提表示,这次连环爆炸事件的目的是为了破坏伊朗的团结,影响将于17日举行的总统选举。外电报道如下:Bomb blasts struck Iranian government buildings in the capital of an oil-rich border province, followed within hours by two other bombs in central Tehran, killing a total of nine people days before Iran's presidential elections.

Iran's security service blamed the bombings - the deadliest in Iran in more than a decade - on supporters of ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

State-run television quoted hospital officials as saying at least eight people were killed and 86 injured in four bomb explosions in Ahvaz, capital of the southwestern Khuzestan province bordering Iraq.

Hours later, two small bombs exploded in central Tehran, killing one person and wounding four. Police said one suspect was taken into custody.

Take into custody表示“拘留,拒捕”,custody除了“保管,监管,监护权”等含义外,在此表示“扣留,监禁”,例如:The criminal was taken into custody by the police.(罪犯被警方拘留。)take the robbery suspect into custody(拘捕抢劫嫌疑犯)等。



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