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Go after: 追求,设法得到

Go after

美国民主党参议员约瑟夫·拜登6月19日说,他希望参加2008年总统大选,成为首位公开表示参加大选的民主党人。拜登表示他将考察自己的支持率,并在2005年年底做出决定。他说:“如果实际上,在今年十一二月前,我认为自己的确有机会获得提名,那么我将提出申请。”外电报道如下:Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., said Sunday he intends to run for president in 2008.

But Biden, who also sought the nomination in 1988, said he would give himself until the end of this year to determine if he really can raise enough money and attract enough support.

Going after the nomination "is a real possibility," he said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

"My intention, as I sit here now, is, as I've proceeded since last November as if I were going to run. I'm quite frankly going out, seeing whether I can gather the kind of support," Biden said.

Go after表示“追逐,追求,设法得到”,例如:He went after the burglars.(他追赶那些盗贼。)He goes after every woman he meets.(他对女人见一个追一个。)



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