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您现在的位置: En_language tips > 新闻英语 > 新闻热词 > Politics hot words Dec 26, 2005
Double-decker: 双层巴士


当地时间7月7日早上8时15分,伦敦发生连环爆炸恐怖袭击事件,多辆公交车被炸毁,地铁停运。警方在当晚的发布会上确认至少有37人死亡700人受伤,目前“基地组织”已宣布对此负责。外电报道如下:Terror struck in the heart of London on Thursday as explosions ripped through three subway trains and blasted the roof off a crowded red double-decker bus. At least 37 people were killed and more than 700 wounded in the deadliest attack on the city since the blitz in World War II.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair blamed Islamic extremists and said the bombings were designed to coincide with the opening in Scotland of a G-8 summit of the world's most powerful leaders. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the bombings - which came the day after London won the bid to host the 2012 Olympics - have the "hallmarks of an al-Qaida-related attack."

Double-decker表示“双层公共汽车,双层甲板船,双层三明治”等,在上文中double-decker bus指“双层巴士”。



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