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Sabotage: 蓄意破坏


以色列国防部副部长博伊姆17日表示,若巴勒斯坦民族权力机构不采取措施打击巴武装人员,以军将在“数小时内”对加沙地带发动大规模地面进攻。外电报道如下:Israel threatened Sunday to invade Gaza if Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas does not control militants who have stepped up rocket and mortar attacks ahead of Israel's planned pullout from the coastal strip next month. Abbas pledged to do his utmost to stop the barrages but warned that an invasion of Gaza would "sabotage everything."

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said all restraints are off and thousands of Israeli troops have massed along the Gaza border. The sudden escalation is the most serious threat yet to a 5-month-old truce that had drastically reduced Palestinian-Israeli violence after more than four years of bloodshed.

More than 100 rockets and mortars have rained down on Gaza settlements and Israeli villages just outside the territory in the last four days. Hamas leaders say they are retaliating for Israeli violations of the truce.

Sabotage表示“从事破坏活动,蓄意破坏,妨害”,例如:Enemy agents sabotaged the arms factory.(敌特蓄意破毁了军工厂。);sabotage peace(破坏和平);sabotage an agreement(破坏协定)。



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