Initial public offering: 公开募股 [ 2005-08-01 09:41 ]
2000年成立的Baidu.com已成为全球访问量第六大网站,“百度”这个名字源于900年前的一句古诗“众里寻他千百度”。作为与网络搜索巨头Google分庭抗礼的中文搜索巨头,百度公司正在做上市前的最后准备。外电报道如下 takes its name from a 900-year-old poem but
its ambitions are ultramodern to become the
Chinese-language equivalent of Internet search giant Google Inc.
Little known abroad, 5-year-old says it already is the
world's sixth most-visited Internet site, thanks to a strong following
from China's 100 million-plus Web surfers.
Now the startup founded by two Chinese veterans of American tech firms
is preparing to follow Google's example with an initial public offering in
the United States, hoping to raise $45 million.
Initial public offering
(中国日报网站编) |