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Cruise missile: 巡航导弹

Cruise missile

巴基斯坦军方8月11日发表声明称,巴方当天早晨成功试射了一枚可携带核弹头和常规弹头的巡航导弹。这枚射程为500公里的导弹名叫“巴布尔”,但巴基斯坦军方没有透露发射地点。外电报道如下:Pakistan has test fired its first cruise missile, capable of carrying nuclear and conventional warheads, and did not give advance warning to its arch rival India, officials said.

The missile, named Babur, has a range of 500 kilometers (310 miles), and was fired early Thursday. The launch site was not disclosed.

"By the grace of Allah, all design parameters for the flight were validated," a military statement said.

The Foreign Ministry said Pakistan did not inform India, as an agreement formalized between the two countries over the weekend in New Delhi on pre-notification of missile tests does not cover cruise missiles.

Cruise missile表示“巡航导弹”,和missile相关的词组还有active missile(主动制导导弹);air launched cruise missile(空中发射的巡航导弹);air-to-ship missile(空对舰导弹);atomic-armed missile(原子弹头导弹)等。


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