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mire: 陷入困境


日前,美国美联社与益普索(AP Ipsos)的民意调查显示,总统布什的支持率达到任期内最低水平,66%的民众不满布什政府的政策,认为国家的发展令人担忧,伊拉克、油价上涨、财政支出等一系列问题成为人们关注的焦点。外电报道如下:

The president's job approval is mired at the lowest level of his presidency - 39 percent. While four of five Republicans say they approve of Bush's job performance - enthusiasm in that support has dipped over the last year.

报道中mire的意思是"陷入困境",常和in连用。如:He was mired in debt.(他陷入了债务困境。)Mire的本意是"陷入泥沼",如:He mired his car and had to go for help.(他的车陷进泥泞, 不得不请人帮忙。)此外,mire还可作名词使用,词组be(stick) in the mire也可表示"陷入困境"之意。


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