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您现在的位置: En_language tips > 新闻英语 > 新闻热词 > Politics hot words Dec 26, 2005
derail: 脱轨;出轨



外电报道中有这样一句话:At least 102 people died and 92 others were injured when a passenger train derailed in southern India Saturday as it attempted to cross tracks washed away by a flood, police said.

报道中derail 指的是“(火车等)出轨”,也就是run off the rails。Derail常用作被动语态,如:The engine was derailed.(火车头出轨了。)此外,derail可以用来表示“突然中止或停顿”,例如:The policy derailed under the new administration.(新政府上台后,这个政策突然中止执行了。


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