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您现在的位置: En_language tips > 新闻英语 > 新闻热词 > Politics hot words Dec 26, 2005
field work: 实地考察

field work


请看外电报道:The UN health agency and Chinese officials were discussing what role the WHO should play, said Roy Wadia, a spokesman in Beijing for the agency. He said it could offer help in field work, lab testing and other areas.

Field work指的是“实地调查、实地考察”,如:archeological field work(现场考古工作);“实地考察工作者”可说成fieldworker。

field 一词有“实地;野外”之意, field test(实地试验)、field trip(实地调查旅行)、field army(野战军)等都是常用的词组。


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