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  reshuffle: 改组;调整
[ 2005-11-08 10:52 ]


请看中国日报网站报道中的这样一句话:A financial reshuffle by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which was transformed into a joint stock company, is more or less finished.

Reshuffle的本意是“重新洗牌”,可引申为“改组;重新安排”,它在政治生活中的使用十分广泛。政府改组、内阁改组都可用reshuffle来表示:a government reshuffle;a reshuffle of the cabinet(内阁改组)。报道中的a financial reshuffle指的是“金融领域的改组和调整”。

Reshuffle可作动词用,例如,The president reshuffled the advisory committee.(总统改组了咨询委员会。)
