Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6 1 If you rent a flat you might have a landlord (a man), but what if it's a woman? landwoman landlady landlordess hostmother The possible answers were:landwomanlandladylandlordesshostmother You said: landwoman landlady landlordess hostmother 正确。'Landlady' 就是女房东。 错误。没有这个表达方式。 错误。没有这个表达方式。 错误。比如指关照留学生的家庭女主人,就可称为'Hostmother' 。 你没有选择任何答案。 2 Which of the following descriptions of female workers is not correct? Waitress (in a restaurant) Actress (in a theatre) Baress (in a bar) Princess (in a palace!) The possible answers were:Waitress (in a restaurant)Actress (in a theatre)Baress (in a bar)Princess (in a palace!) You said: Waitress (in a restaurant) Actress (in a theatre) Baress (in a bar) Princess (in a palace!) 错误。 Waitress 是女招待。 错误。Actress 是女演员。 错误。Princess 是公主。 正确。在酒吧服务的女招待是 barmaid,没有 baress 这个名词。 你没有选择任何答案。 3 Which of the following shoes would you expect NOT to be worn by men? trainers slippers sandals high-heels The possible answers were:trainersslipperssandalshigh-heels You said: trainers slippers sandals high-heels 错误。Slippers 是拖鞋,男女都适用。 错误。 Sandals 是凉鞋,男女都适用。 正确。 High-heels 是高跟鞋。 错误。英国人称运动鞋为 trainers. 男女都适用。 你没有选择任何答案。 4 Which of the following clothes would you expect NOT to be worn by men? shirt blouse t-shirt top The possible answers were:shirtblouset-shirttop You said: shirt blouse t-shirt top 正确。只有女性才会穿 blouses 女式衬衣。 错误。T-shirt 男女都合适。 错误。 Top 一般指没有领子的上衣,男女适用。 错误。Shirt 多数是指给男性穿的衬衫。 你没有选择任何答案。 5 In a wedding the woman is called the bride, but what about the man? husband man bridegroom best man The possible answers were:husbandmanbridegroombest man You said: husband man bridegroom best man 错误。Husband 是丈夫。 错误。Man 就是男人,不是新郎的意思。 正确。新郎官就是 bridegroom。 错误。Best man 是伴郎。 你没有选择任何答案。 6 If nephew is the male word, what's the female equivalent? cousin sister niece aunt The possible answers were:cousinsisternieceaunt You said: cousin sister niece aunt 错误。姐妹都可以称为 sister。 正确。侄女的表达方式是 niece。 错误。所有的表兄/弟表姐/妹都可以称为 cousin。 错误。Aunt 是指姨(妈)或姑(妈)。 你没有选择任何答案。 Try Again