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  mirage: 海市蜃楼
[ 2006-05-09 11:02 ]


请看《中国日报》的相关报道:A mirage takes place off east China coast in Penglai, on the tip of Shandong Province on May 7, 2006, with modern high-rise buildings, broad city streets and bustling cars as well as crowds of people were all clearly visible.

“海市蜃楼”可用单词mirage表示,如In a mirage the desert will mimic a lake.(在海市蜃楼中,沙漠有时会现出湖泊的形象。)

在汉语中“蜃”指“海中蛟龙”,古代,人们误把因光线折射而产生的奇幻景象认为是“蛟龙吐气”,由此常用“海市蜃楼”来比喻虚幻的事物。与汉语相一致,mirage除表示发生于海边或沙漠的自然奇景外,也可表示“幻想, 妄想”,如汉语中的“镜中花、水中月”实质上指的是insubstantial objects,就可以用a mirage 来表示。
