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  Paralympic Games
[ 2006-05-09 14:48 ]

国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会(IPC)是残疾人高水平竞技体育的国际性代表组织,负责组织并指导、协调残疾人奥运会和其他由多种残疾人士参加的高水平体育竞赛,特别是世界和地区性的锦标赛。国际残疾人奥委会是非盈利性国际组织,目前由157个国家及地区的残疾人奥林匹克运动委员会(NPC)和5个特定类别残疾人国际体育联合会组成,它的全球总部设在德国波恩,其官方语言为英语,最高权力机构是全体大会,下设执行委员会,管理委员会等多个委员会。现任国际残疾人奥委会执行委员会主席是来自英国的菲利普·克雷文(Philip Craven)先生。


The IPC's mission is to enable athletes with a disability to achieve sporting excellence and to inspire the world. Whereas other international sports organisations for athletes with a disability are limited either to one disability group or to one specific sport, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) - as an umbrella organisation - represents all sports and disabilities. The national sports organisations that created the IPC believe that the future of disability sport lies in bringing together athletes with different handicaps to hold joint competitions.

残疾人奥林匹克运动的历史相对较短,可以追溯到1948年路德维格·古特曼爵士(Sir Ludwig Guttmann)发起的首届斯托克曼德维尔脊椎损伤二战老兵运动会。此后,其他残疾人群体也建立起了他们各自的国际体育组织,由这些组织来安排各种赛事。目前现有的6个此类组织中,除国际聋人体育委员会联合会(CISS)外,都是国际残疾人奥委会的成员。它们分别是:国际盲人体育协会(IBSA);国际轮椅体育运动联合会(ISMWSF);国际残疾人体育组织(ISOD);国际脑瘫人体育和休闲运动协会(CP-ISRA);国际智力残疾人体育联合会(INAS-FID)。

The history of the Paralympic movement is relatively new and goes back to 1948, when Sir Ludwig Guttmann introduced the first Stoke Mandeville Games for World War II veterans with spinal cord-related injuries. Later, other disability groups also established their international sports organisations, which arranged various competitions.


The Paralympic Games have always been held in the same year as the Olympic Games. Since the Seoul Summer Games (1988) and the Albertville Winter Games (1992), they have also taken place at the same venues as the Olympic Games. On 19 June 2001, an agreement was signed between the International Olympic Committee and the IPC aiming to secure and protect the organisation of the Paralympic Games. The agreement reaffirmed that the Paralympic Games, from 2008 on, will always take place shortly after the Olympic Games, using the same sports venues and facilities. From the 2012 bid process onwards, the host city chosen to host the Olympic Games will be obliged to host the Paralympics as well.