Different means of flame transportation [ 2006-08-17 14:43 ] 现代奥运圣火传递是从1936年的柏林奥运会开始设置的,如今,它已成为奥运会不可或缺的重要环节。历届主办城市纷纷采用别出心裁的圣火传递方式,来吸引全世界的目光。看看哪种方式会博得你的眼球呢?
The flame in the
snow! Legendary Norwegian skiers carried out the entirety of the
transport of the flame. (Oslo 1952) The flame went into the Arctic Circle at
Inuvik, with stages carried out by snow-bike and skidoo. (Calgary 1988)
The flame on horseback! A
completely equestrian relay was organized for these Games. (Stockholm 1956)
Because of Australia's embargo against horses entering the country, the 1956
equestrian competition was relocated to Stockholm, Sweden, and a second torch
relay brought the Olympic flame to the Olympic site there. Most of the distance
from Greece to Stockholm was covered on horseback. And on a camel! This is how
the flame crossed the Australian desert. (Sydney 2000)
The flame in the Wild West! The
modes of transport used bring to mind great moments in American history. For
example, the flame travelled in an Indian canoe, by Pony Express, on a
Mississippi steamboat, and on a wagon of the Union Pacific. (Atlanta
The flame in the water, under water and on the
water! In the sea off Veracruz, Mexico, swimmers carried the flame from
the boat Durango to the shore. (Mexico 1968) A diver swam across the port of
Marseilles holding the flame out of the water. (Grenoble 1968) A diver carried
the flame under water at the Great Barrier Reef. (Sydney 2000) The flame
travelled on the frigate Cataluna for the passage between Greece and Spain and
arrived on Spanish soil in Empuries, the gateway to Greek civilization on the
Iberian peninsular (circa 600 B.C.) (Barcelona 1992)
The flame in space! To show the
world the technological competence of their country, the Canadians organized the
transmission of the flame by satellite between Athens and Ottawa. (Montreal
The flame faster than the speed of
sound! The journey from Athens to Paris took place at Supersonic
speed-on Concorde. (Albertville 1992)
The flame in the sky! For the
first time in the history of the Olympics, the flame did a parachute jump. (
Lillehammer 1994)
The maternal flame! Twelve months
with babies born in 1988 took part in the relay on the stage from Chungju to
Kangnung. (Seoul 1988)
(Foreign and Domestic Olympic