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The Graduate 《毕业生》(精讲之三)
[ 2006-10-08 09:00 ]

影片对白 Benjamin, I am getting pretty tired of all this suspicion.

3. to be available to

“可以得到的;可以得手的;随时为他服务”。Mrs. Robinson 明确告诉本,他可以随时与她发生关系。

4. I found you're attractive.

“我觉得你真可爱”。这次勾引本虽然没有成功,但是,看到本惊慌失措,而且并没有义正言辞地斥责她,Mrs. Robinson 感到有仍然希望。Find someone / something... 是一个常用的结构,表示认为某人或某事如何。后面加形容词。如:我觉得这本书很有意思:I find the book interesting. 我觉得这个人很没劲:I find the person boring.


To rob the cradle 老少配

在这部电影里,我们可以用一个确切的短语来表示 Mrs. Robinson对本的追求和两人之间的关系: To rob the cradle 或者说Mrs. Robinson robbed the cradle. 这个俚语形容年纪较大的人追求年纪相差较大或很年轻的异性,与其谈恋爱或结婚。中文里老夫少妻和老妻少夫说的就是这个意思。但平时也可以当作一种夸张的,玩笑的说法。如:A forth-year boy is dating a freshman girl. He has robbed the cradle.一个大四的男生与一个一年的女生谈恋爱。简直是老少配嘛。

Mrs. Robinson对本的引诱进入了是步步紧逼,不由分说的阶段。而本则惊慌失措,仓惶躲闪。可以说是惊心动魄。几个回合下来,Mrs. Robinson愈发成竹在胸,势在必得。如果不是Mr. Robinson恰好赶回,后果是显而易见的。



1. --你什么时候有空,我想请你吃饭。
When are you available (free), I would like to treat you to dinner?
Fine. I am always available for that. (Any time would be fine with me.)

2. --我这次回北京想看看老同学,跟他们聊一聊。你能帮忙联系一下吗?(安排一下)
--While I am staying in Beijing, I would like to see some old classmates and have a talk with them. Can you make some kind of arrangement?
--Sure. (Just leave it to me.) I'll make the arrangement.

3. --你昨天看了《疯狂的石头》。觉得怎么样?
--You watched the "Crazy Stone" yesterday. How did you find it?
--I find it very humorous.

The Graduate 《毕业生》(精讲之二)考考你 参考答案

1. 不好意思我得走了。
I'm sorry to say, but I have to leave now.

2. 抱歉打断一下,我想问一个问题。
Sorry to interrupt but I have a question.

3. 他对朋友总是这样的。
He is always this way to his friends.

4. 别这样说我。我其实一点都没变。
Don't think of me that way. I am still the same.


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