成龙:好莱坞拍戏太繁琐 [ 2006-10-16 09:11 ]
东方功夫巨龙、香港影视明星成龙日前表示:好莱坞的安全条规过于繁琐,自己拍片时感觉颇受限制。成龙于上周日在其官方网站上透露,在好莱坞拍片必须得遵循一系列安全规则,即使是很简单的动作,固执的老外也坚持要使用防护器具。这位实力派演员甚至说,初到好莱坞,只要一有动作镜头,他根本不能自主发挥,得全凭导演摆布。 |
Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan, famous for his
daredevil stunts |
Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan, famous for his daredevil stunts , says he's frustrated by Hollywood's
safety rules.
"There are so many safety and insurance rules to follow," Chan said in
an interview on his Web site Sunday.
"I know that they want to make sure that I'm safe when I do my stunts,
but sometimes they insist that I use protective gear for even simple things, and
that is frustrating. It takes so much time," he said.
Chan said he feels less
encumbered when making films in Hong Kong.
"In Hong Kong we just go ahead and do what needs to be done. There is
no safety captain on the set. I use my own stunt team because they have
experience and I trust them to make the action and stunts safe," he said.
Chan also said that when he first broke into Hollywood, he'd had little
control over his own moves, even though he'd been choreographing stunts
for decades in Hong Kong.
But that that has changed over time.
"When I first started making Hollywood films, the directors wouldn't
listen to anything I said when it came to the action," he said.
"It's different now; the directors respect me and listen to me. Over
the years I have gotten more involved in the planning of the action and
stunts on my American movies and that makes me happy. But mostly it is
difficult," Chan said.
(Agencies) |
stunt: 绝技
protective gear:
(英语点津陈蓓编辑) | |