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Four work areas set to be ready in 2007
[ 2007-01-26 17:49 ]


The year 2007 is decisive for Beijing Olympic Games organizers who are determined to make four major work areas ready for the 2008 Games, according to Jiang Xiaoyu, executive vice-president of Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG).

Replying to inquiries from deputies to Beijing Municipal People's Congress about the progress in preparations for the Olympic Games, Jiang said Thursday that BOCOG will deliver ready-for-use competition venues and competition organization schemes in 2007.

Secondly, he said, urban logistics including water, electricity, natural gas, heating, road and other facilities are set to be ready too.

Thirdly, Games-time operation mechanisms and systems of BOCOG and relevant departments of Beijing municipal government will be ready. Their work will be integrated through a series of test events in the year.

Finally, he said, management teams composed of backbone talents will be ready to fit the positions of sport, security, athlete service and media reception.



urban logistics:城市运行保障

Games-time operation mechanisms and systems:赛时运行机制和体系









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