Quizzes 在线小测验 |
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Around the home 家里家外
[ 2007-03-05 08:33 ]
You said:irontoastermixerkettle
不对,因为 mixer 是搅拌机,泡茶是不需要。
当然喽,用壶烧开水才能泡茶嘛!We use a kettle to boil water.
不对,因为 toaster 是烤面包机,和泡茶不相干。
你真的会选择这个词吗? iron 是熨斗,泡茶不需烧熨斗。
6 |
"I have a small bedside table next to my bed. I keep a lamp and a book on it - and of course, my __________ to wake me up in the mornings." |
The possible answers were:
alarm clock
grandfather clock
all of the above answers