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语言,词汇,语法你掌握了多少? 网上挑战一下自己吧,看看自己魔高几丈?每周一期的互动式“Quiz Net (在线小测验)”及时检验你的学习成果。 |
Formal and informal language正式与非正式用语
[ 2007-05-30 17:13 ]
You said:masses ofa considerable amount ofloads ofgreat
提示:'masses of' 虽然语法正确,但是在此句中太随便, too informal
很好。'a considerable amount of' is the correct answer,得一分。
提示:'loads of' 虽然语法正确,但是太口语化,不符合此句格调。
提示:在现代英语中, 'great' 是一个较口语化的单词,通常表示 'very good'.
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That's all for now. See you tonight! _______ , Mary xxxx |
The possible answers were:
Yours faithfully
Yours sincerely
Best wish