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[ 2007-06-24 11:03 ]

影片对白  You know where all the hits happen these days? In cars, man. Songs that make you feel good while you're driving your automobile.

考考你  小试牛刀


5. All the hits


6. Stay in the pocket

这个片语可能起源于美式足球,本意是"not scramble around looking for a pass(传球), stay in the pocket is safer"。这个片语在这里的意思是"Let's stay the safer route when making this song."

7. Let me get a hold of your ear
意思是"Let me get you to pay attention to what I'm about to say because I think it's important for you to listen to me. "

Dreamgirls 是一部以上世纪六、七十年代为背景的影片,并且影片的主要内容是黑人音乐的发展,因此在语言上有相当多那个时代的烙印,并混杂了非常多的黑人英语,其中很多已不再使用、或并非标准英语的用法。我们介绍这部影片,希望大家能对那个时代的英语、黑人英语有所了解,对黑人音乐的发展有所了解。


Cadillac 凯迪拉克--豪华的历史


Cadillac is a brand of luxury vehicles, part of General Motors, produced and mostly sold in the United States and Canada. In the United States, the name previously was a synonym for "high quality", used in such phrases as "the Cadillac of watches," referring to a Rolex or an Omega. In English usage outside North America, other brands are used in such phrases - usually Rolls-Royce.

Cadillac's current slogan is "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit," in reference to the inalienable rights mentioned in the United States Declaration of Independence. GM leads all other automakers in Strategic Vision's Total Quality Index (TQI).



Cadillac was formed from the remnants of the Henry Ford Company when Henry Ford departed along with several of his key partners and the company was dissolved. With the intent of liquidating the firm's assets, Ford's financial backers, William Murphy and Lemuel Bowen called in engineer Henry M. Leland to appraise the plant and equipment prior to selling them. Instead, Leland persuaded them to continue the automobile business using Leland's proven 1-cylinder engine. Henry Ford's departure required a new name, and on August 22, 1902, the company reformed as the Cadillac Automobile Company.

The Cadillac automobile was named after the 17th century French explorer Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac, founder of Detroit, Michigan, in 1701.

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