Dreamgirls《追梦女郎》(精讲之四) [ 2007-06-25 17:34 ]
影片对白 It's
about fairness, Curtis. It's about people paying their
黑人民权运动家马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther
King, Jr.)
Civil rights champion Martin Luther King, Jr. was
born in Atlanta, GA, on January 15, 1929; progressing through Morehouse College,
Crozer Theological Seminary, and Boston University, he grew increasingly
influenced by Mahatma Ghandi's non-violent strategies for social change,
completing his Ph.D. in systematic theology in 1955. Rejecting a series of
academic offers, King instead opted to become pastor of Montgomery, AL's Dexter
Avenue Baptist Church; on December 5, 1955 -- just five days after Rosa Parks'
landmark refusal to conform to the city's segregationist busing policies -- he
was named president of the new Montgomery Improvement Association, setting his
public career into motion. Spearheading the local African-American community's
boycott of the city's bus system, King rose to national renown, even as his
house was firebombed and he faced conviction on charges of conspiracy against
the bus company. Still, as 1956 drew to a close, Montgomery's buses became
integrated and the United States Supreme Court declared Alabama's segregation
laws unconstitutional.
From the Gallery of 20th
century martyrs at Westminster Abbey- Mother Elizabeth of Russia, Martin
Luther King, Archbishop Oscar Romero, Pastor Dietrich
Bonhoeffer | In 1957, King joined with other
African-American religious leaders to found the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference; a year later, he published his first book, Stride Toward Freedom:
The Montgomery Story. As the 1960s dawned, he was widely regarded as black
America's preeminent spokesman, although his policies of non-violence were often
in conflict with younger, more militant factions of the civil rights movement;
mass demonstrations in communities throughout the U.S. culminated in the August
28, 1963, march on Washington, D.C., where, on the steps of the Lincoln
Memorial, King delivered his celebrated "I have a dream" speech to an audience
of over 250,000 protesters. That December he was named Time magazine's Man of
the Year, and a year later collected the Nobel Peace Prize. However, internal
divisions within the black community threatened to undermine his leadership, as
emerging voices like Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael offered a stark
counterpoint to King's peaceful methods.
Of course, King encountered his greatest resistance from white leaders -- FBI
Director J. Edgar Hoover waged a bitter war of surveillance and harassment,
declaring him "the most dangerous man in America, and a moral degenerate." King
also lost the support of many white liberals for his criticism of the United
States' involvement in the escalating conflict in Vietnam. Still, he forged on,
mounting a 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery march which proved pivotal in the
passage of the Voting Rights Act later that year. While in Memphis, TN, to speak
out on a local sanitation workers' strike, King was assassinated on April 4,
1968; although James Earl Ray was convicted of the murder, the case remains a
source of controversy and conjecture even decades after the fact. In the wake of
his death, his widow, Coretta Scott King, established the Martin Luther King,
Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, and in 1986 his birthday was declared a
federal holiday. Many of King's most celebrated speeches are available as
commercial recordings. (Jason Ankeny, All Music Guide)
Curtis: I don't know what this is about.
Effie: It's about fairness, Curtis. It's about people paying their dues.
Ain't that what you keep telling me? "Get in line, Effie. Wait your turn." So
why am I sitting here without so much as a B-side on the 45 when an amateur like
Martin Luther King, Jr. Gets his own freakin' album? I mean, can he even
1. I know what you cats are trying to do, and you can forget it. James Early
ain't no street-corner punk looking for his first date. He's an established
artist with a recording
contract. 我知道你们这些人想干嘛,你们还是算了吧。詹姆斯·厄里可不是业余歌手,他是个有名望的签约艺术家。
2. All I'm asking is one record, man. One song with a simple hook. "Look at
me in my pretty car, makes me feel like a movie star." You know where all the
hits happen these days? In cars, man. Songs that make you feel good while you're
driving your
automobile. 我要求的只是一张唱片,一首简单的、能让人们记住的歌。"驾着美丽的车,感觉自己像个电影明星"。你知道这年头排行榜首的都是些什么歌吗?都是关于汽车的,朋友,都是那些让你在开车时感觉良好的歌。
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