What’s the difference between draft and sketch?
Cheng Yuehui, China
This week’s question from Cheng Yuehui is about the differences between ‘draft’ and ‘sketch’.
Yang Li and Finn Aberdein present you with lots of examples to show how these words are used.
Draft and sketch 有很多不同的用法,不过最常的意思就是草稿和草图,draft 多指文字稿,而sketch多指图像和绘画。
This is only the first draft of my speech, but what do you think of it?
What are you drawing?
I’m just making sketches for my next painting.
Draft and sketch 也可以作动词。比如 to draft a proposal. To sketch out the plan briefly.
For more examples please join Yang Li and Finn for a lively discussion. 请听节目录音学习更多用法。
Don’t forget, if you have a question about English, email it to questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk. We may answer it on this programme.
the first draft 一稿
sketches 草图
to draft a proposal 草拟计划
sketch out the plan 简要地描述计划