BBC Learning English 英语教学

Could you please explain the meaning of pros and cons and how to use it? Is this an informal expression? I can not find it in dictionaries.

Zhang Tong, France

What did the ancient Romans ever do for students of English?

You may not know it, but the Romans occupied Britain for hundreds of years, and their language has left an important legacy on the English language.

Join Feifei and Diarmuid as they explain the meaning of the phrase pros and cons and explain some other commonly used Latin expressions in English.

The Roman language had a profound effect on English

You may be surprised to find that you know more Latin phrases than you think.

So let’s find out if you know your status quo from your quid pro quo.

If you have a question about English, email our team at We may answer it on this programme.


ancient Romans 古罗马人

occupied 占领了

legacy 遗产

Latin 拉丁文

status quo 现状

quid pro quo 公平交易

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