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艾玛•沃森:打破“赫敏”魔咒 A new Emma Watson

英语学习杂志 2013-02-06 11:09




金今 选 言佳 注

Harry Potter fans might not be able to let go of Emma Watson as Hermione just yet. But the 22-year-old is doing her best to step away from the role she played while growing up.

The new direction arrives with the teen drama The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The movie, adapted and directed by Stephen Chbosky from his own 1999 best-seller of the same name, is set in 1991 in a tranquil suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The story centers around Charlie, a troubled and lonely high school freshman who begins to come out of his shell thanks to the friendship and support of two seniors, Patrick and Sam, who are also outcasts in their own ways.

Trying to break out of the Harry Potter bubble, Watson, who plays Sam, couldn’t resist the challenge of defining a party girl in her first major post-Potter performance.

The new role made her feel like being out of her comfort zone, the 22-year-old actress confessed in an interview, “I was terrified,” she said. “On the first day, I was just so nervous. I was doing a different accent, being on a new set in a foreign country with a crew that I didn’t know and a cast I didn’t know.”

She overcame her anxiety quickly and turned playing the role into a rewarding experience. “This movie has helped me shake off a lot of the fear and restrictions I put on myself. I’m slowly breaking down the barriers ,” she said.

More perks came with the challenge. Watson was robbed of the experiences of high school because of the “Harry Potter” series. She said that not only did Perks help her understand what love is really about, it also meant she could have a taste of the teenage life that she missed out on growing up.

The movie, which premiered at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival in early September, has received generally positive reviews and Watson’s performance has been described as “confident, mature and bright.”

Now we don’t know what challenging new roles Watson is going to surprise us with, but one thing is for sure her acting career is just starting. She hopes “what they [audience] can see is that I am able to transform, that there are other sides of me that perhaps they haven’t seen yet, and that they might allow me a little bit of room.”


1. let go: 放手,松开。

2. drama: 电影,电视剧;The Perks of Being a Wallflower: 《壁花少年》,根据同名畅销小说改编的一部青少年电影;perk: 额外好处,额外津贴;wallflower: 〈口〉舞会或聚会中因没有舞伴或害羞而坐在一旁的人。

3. adapt: 改编,改写;tranquil: 平静的,宁静的。

4. troubled: 忧虑的,苦恼的;out of one’s shell: 不再羞怯,愿意与人攀谈;outcast: 被(家庭、社会等)排斥的人。

5. bubble: (美好的)幻影,泡沫;resist: 忍住,抵挡住;party girl: 交际花。

6. comfort zone: 舒适范围(让你感到开心和自信的活动范围或环境);confess: 坦白,承认(使自己尴尬的事情);terrified: 非常害怕的,极度惊恐的。

7. accent: 口音;set: (电影或电视节目的)片场,拍摄场地;crew: 一队工作人员;cast: 演员阵容,全体演员。

8. overcome: 控制(感情);rewarding: 值得做的,有益的。

9. shake off: 治好,摆脱(疾病、问题等);restriction: 限制,约束。

10. barrier: 障碍,阻碍。

11. be robbed of: 丧失,被剥夺。

12. premiere: 首演,首映;Toronto International Film Festival: (加拿大)多伦多国际电影节,是北美重要的电影节之一,每年九月在加拿大多伦多举行;positive: 积极的,好的;review: (报纸、杂志上的)评论文章,影评;mature: 成熟的。

(来源:英语学习杂志 编辑:丹妮)













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