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Winning over the Master 赢得大师

2013-05-10 10:37



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When the young American composer Daniel Gregory Mason came to Boston to interview the great pianist and composer Ignacy Jan Paderewski , there was trouble from the start.

Because of a misunderstanding Mason was two-and-a-half hours late for his meeting with the great pianist. Mason was waiting in the hotel lobby while Paderewski was upstairs, getting more and more aggravated by Mason’s tardiness. Finally Mason went up to see Paderewski and found him cordial enough, but Paderewski’s wife was cold and standoffish. Mason felt awkward and self-conscious. He complimented Paderewski on his “Variations and Fugue on an Original Theme.” Then he added: “Just so you don’t think that’s empty flattery, I’ll tell you frankly that I do not care so much for some of your early pieces.”

Paderewski’s wife gave Mason a stony look. “What pieces? What do you not care for?”

Mason got in deeper. “Well, for example, I do not care so much for the ‘A Minor Concerto’.”

Her gaze was unwavering . “The concerto is one of my favorites among my husband’s compositions. I love it more and more.”

Valiantly , Mason complimented Paderewski’s use of French impressionism.

Now Paderewski himself spoke. “I utterly repudiate any debt to French impressionism. I do not believe in the modern French school, because it is not founded in tradition. It is erratic, bizarre, wayward. ”

At last Mason ventured to show Paderewski a movement of his new violin sonata. Paderewski shook hands with him about eight times as he read through the sonata, singing the melody and exclaiming “beautiful!” Finally, with his music, Daniel Gregory Mason had won over the master.










(来源:英语学习杂志  编辑:Julie)


1. win over: 说服,争取。

2. Ignacy Jan Paderewski: 伊格纳奇•扬•帕岱莱夫斯基(1860—1941),波兰钢琴家、作曲家、总理兼外交部长。主要作品有歌剧《曼鲁》、钢琴曲《小步舞曲》等,擅长解释肖邦作品,曾主编《肖邦全集》。

3. lobby: 大厅;aggravated: 生气的,恼怒的;tardiness: 拖拉,延后。

4. cordial: 亲切的,和蔼的;standoffish: 冷淡的,不友好的。

5. awkward: 尴尬的;self-conscious: 羞愧的。

6. variation: 变奏曲;fugue: 赋格曲。

7. a minor: a小调;concerto: 协奏曲。

8. unwavering: 不动摇的,坚定的。

9. valiantly: 勇敢地,英勇地。

10. repudiate: 断绝,否定。

11. erratic: 古怪;bizarre: 奇异;wayward: 难捉摸的,反复无常的。

12. movement: 乐章;sonata: 奏鸣曲。

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