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2013-05-13 08:53



Bar Codes on Sidewalks Give Tourist Info

The first two-dimensional bar codes were installed at Arpoador, a massive boulder that rises at the end of Ipanema beach. The image was built into the sidewalk with the same black and white stones.

They attracted audiences, who downloaded an application to their smartphones or tablets and photographed the icon. The app read the code and they were then taken to a web site that gave them information in Portuguese, Spanish or English, and a map of the area. They learned, for example, that Arpoador gets big waves, making it a hot spot for surfing and giving the 500-meter beach nearby the name of “Praia do Diabo,” or Devil’s Beach.

The city plans to install 30 of these codes at beaches and historic sites, so Rio’s two million foreign visitors can learn about the city as they walk around.

Scrap Car Plant Tree

Green schemes have been regular news for many years, but it’s rare that we come across an initiative that uses a traditional polluter as a force for environmental good. This is exactly what Scrap Car Plant Tree hopes to do by encouraging owners of old cars to donate the vehicle in order to raise money for the creation of new green spaces in UK cities.

Automobiles contribute a large portion of the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere each year. With this in mind, the scheme enables car owners whose vehicles have come to the end of their life to donate them to the Trees for Cities charity. When cars are donated, the scheme aims to tow them within one to three days, after which they will be taken to a scrap yard or put up for auction if still roadworthy. The funds will go to helping plant new trees in the donor’s city.

It costs £7.50 to plant and care for a tree through its maturity. One car donation that is used for scrap can raise about £100, funding about 13 trees. If you donate a vehicle that brings in a good amount of money in auction, you could potentially subsidize a whole grove of trees!

Disabled Piglet Rolling in Love

Video about Chris P. Bacon has Internet animal fans going wild. He is a month-old piglet from Clermont, Florida, born without use of his hind legs, has become an Internet sensation since his owner posted a video showing him learning to use a wheelchair made from a toy building set. The video has been viewed almost 450,000 times by people from as far away as Brazil, England and Australia.

The disabled piglet came to Dr. Len Lucero of Eastside Veterinary Hospital in mid-January when a client dropped him off because she couldn’t take care of him. Lucero was familiar with the mobility devices used by disabled animals. One night, he fashioned a wheelchair for Bacon out of K’nex toys, attaching the contraption to the then-1-pound piglet.

“He screamed, yelled,” Lucero said. “He didn’t like it at first, but he got used to it.” The wheelchair worked, so Lucero shot a video of the pig testing it on the family’s living-room floor. Lucero posted a six-minute video on YouTube so that his out-of-state friends and family could see Bacon in action. But within a few days, the video spread like wildfire.












克里斯•P. 贝肯在喜爱动物的网络粉丝之间刮起了一阵狂潮。它来自佛罗里达州克莱蒙特,是一只一个月大的小猪,生下来就后腿瘫痪。它的主人用儿童玩具配件为它组装了一个小轮椅,并把它学习用轮椅行走的过程拍成视频,上传到网络上,使小猪一夜间成为了网络明星。这个视频点击量高达45万次,传播范围之广,就连在遥远的巴西、英国和澳大利亚也都有它的粉丝。



(来源:英语学习杂志 编辑:Julie)



1. Rio de Janeiro: 里约热内卢,巴西第二大城,每年吸引众多游客到此观光;embed: 嵌入,插入;black and white mosaic sidewalk: 黑白马赛克水波纹状人行道路面,典型的葡萄牙装饰风格,是里约热内卢的城市标志之一。

2. two-dimensional bar code: 二维码,使用黑白矩形图案表示二进制数据,被设备扫描后可获取其中所包含的信息;boulder: 巨砾,巨石;Ipanema beach: 伊帕内马海滩,里约热内卢著名的景点,是冲浪者的天堂。

3. application: (手机、电脑等的)应用程序。下文出现的app是其缩写;tablet: Tablet PC的简称,即平板电脑。

4. scrap: 废弃,拆毁。

5. scheme: 项目,方案;come across: 发现,碰到;initiative: 主动的行为,倡议。

6. tow: 拖,拉;roadworthy: (车辆)适于在公路上行驶的。

7. subsidize: 发给……补助金(或津贴),资助;grove: 树林,果园。

8. piglet: 小猪。

9. hind leg: 后腿,后肢;sensation: 轰动一时的人或事件。

10. fashion: 做成……的形状;K’nex toys: 科乐思玩具,美国知名拼插类玩具品牌;contraption: 装置,设备。

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