BBC Learning English 英语教学

Transport: Driving 交通驾驶
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1 : A lot of cars going very slowly or stopped is called a __________ ________.

traffic island
traffic jam
traffic warden
traffic report

2 : What is a circular junction like this one called in English?

A crossroads
A turning
A turnaround
A roundabout

3 : People who drive into London on weekdays have to pay a fee. What is it called?

The congestion charge
The congestion price
The traffic charge
The traffic price

4 : What does this sign mean: Give Way? You might see this on traffic signs at a junction in Britain.

You need to stop completely.
Let other cars go first if they are coming from your right.
Slow down and let other cars at the junction go first. You may need to stop.
Other cars must stop for you.

5 : What is a zebra crossing and what should a car driver do if they see one?

It's a place where a railway crosses a road, and a car must stop if the lights are red.
It's a place where pedestrians can cross the road, and a car must stop to let a pedestrian cross.
It's a place where pedestrians can cross the road, but cars do not have to stop.
It's a place where animals cross the road.

6 : Which of these types of road has the fastest speed limit in Britain?

A dual carriageway
A residential road
A country lane
A motorway


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