BBC Learning English 英语教学

A plane drops water to put out a huge fire. Photo: Nick Ut / AP Photo


The origin of the phrase 'with flying colours' relates to ships' flags. A long time ago, ships coming into port flew coloured flags, to show people how successful their voyage had been.

短语 with flying colours 的起源和挂在船上的旗帜有关。很久以前,进港的船只会挂出五颜六色的旗帜以展示其成功的航行。


我们用短语 with flying colours 来形容某人轻松出色地完成某事,像测验或考试。


She passed her exams with flying colours!

With all that practice, John will pass his driving test with flying colours.


短语 get off to a flying start 的意思是取得好的开端,赢得了开门红。

Our trip got off to a flying start: the roads were empty, and we got to our destination early.

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