BBC Learning English 英语教学

How will easing visa rules for the Chinese help the UK?

媒体英语会带大家一起学习 BBC 撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用到的单词和短语。


正在中国进行访问的英国财政大臣乔治.奥斯本宣布英国将放宽对中国公民赴英的签证限制。奥斯本想利用此次为期一周的访问来提高中英贸易合作和吸引中国企业在英投资。请听 Martin Patience 的报道

In his speech at China's top university the chancellor said there should be no limits on the number of Chinese students and tourists able to visit Britain if they want to. He also stressed that there was no country in the West more open to Chinese investment than the UK.

The chancellor shared the stage at Peking University with London's mayor - Boris Johnson. Their high-profile visits are a sign of a diplomatic thaw between the two countries.

The chancellor's announcement to relax visa rules for Chinese nationals will be welcomed by British businesses. They've been calling on the government to ease restrictions as a way of encouraging more high-spending Chinese tourists to visit the UK.

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