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Angela Merkel: minimum wage for workers in Germany

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记者 Steve Evans 1122日从柏林发回的报道中说,德国准备实行统一最低工资标准。德国总理默克尔领导的联盟党正在和社民党谈判组建联合政府,默克尔说她愿意考虑在统一最低工资标准举措上做出让步。此举受到众多欧元区国家的欢迎。下面是这篇报道的全文:

Chancellor Merkel said she would accept the minimum wage but, in return, would not accede to Social Democrat calls for higher taxes.

The French finance minister welcomed the floor on German pay as a signal of what he saw as a more cooperative German attitude within overall European economic policy.

It is not clear, though, that a German minimum wage would transform the European economic situation. It all depends on what level it is set at, and there is great resistance in Germany to doing anything which would make German exports less attractive.

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