The script of this programme 本节目台词
(Creaking door opens and shuts)
Finn: Thank you for coming with me to my late uncle's old house. He died recently.
(Creaking door opens)
Li: What a huge house!
Finn: Yes. My uncle, Frank Stein, left instructions for me to collect a suitcase which contains a donation to a school.
Li: A kind man who lived in a huge dark house. Oh, what was that?!
Finn: An owl - spooky!
(Spooky sound)
Li: These wooden masks on the walls look very scary! Finn, 你看,墙上挂的这些面具看上去够可怕的,大眼睛,扭曲的嘴巴...
Finn: Yes, they are from an old tribe, I think.
(Spooky sound)
Li: Finn, why did your uncle have all this stuff?
Finn: Well, our family has never had much contact with him. He was a bit of a loner with a mysterious past.
Li: Mysterious past?
Finn: Yes, he had a mysterious life. He was an adventurer and a gambler. His first wife was killed in an accident. The second one disappeared suddenly. He had a few skeletons in the closet!
Li: He has got skeletons in the closet! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Finn: Li, calm down. In English, when we say that someone has a skeleton in the closet, we mean they have a hidden secret which is embarrassing.
Li: 在英语中如果说某人的壁橱里有个骷髅 a skeleton, 意思就是这个人有难言之隐,有不可告人的家丑或秘密。这是一个有名的英国俗语。'A skeleton in the closet' or sometimes you can say 'a skeleton in the cupboard'. 我们一起听几个例句:
Li: That's a relief. So this is just an expression. There are no skeletons in these closets, are there?
Finn: Oh, no. No skeletons in these closets but...
Li: But what?
Finn: But here's the suitcase my uncle wanted to donate to a school after his death. And it has... (he opens the suitcase)
Li: A skeleton!! Oh this place must be haunted! Oh, ohh I'm out of here!! Ahhhhhhh!
Finn: Li, don't worry, Li! My uncle Frank Stein was a doctor. He wanted me to donate this skeleton to a medical school for students to examine!
(Sinister laughter, sound of door closing)