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A southern right whale swimming in the ocean

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澳大利亚反捕鲸组织人士说他们跟随的日本捕鲸船队日前在南冰洋进行捕鲸活动,已经有至少4条鲸鱼被宰杀。他们还说这些鲸鱼是在“鲸鱼避难所”区域内被宰杀的。以下是 Jon Donnison 从悉尼发来的报道:

The anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd says its boats are following five Japanese

ships. The group released video footage apparently showing three dead whales on

board, as well as a heavily bloodied deck where another whale appears to have been butchered.

Sea Shepherd says the whales were killed within the internationally designated Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. There is a worldwide ban on the commercial fishing of whales but the Japanese maintain their whaling is for scientific research, which falls outside the ban.

Last year Australia took Japan to the International Court of Justice in an attempt to force it to cease whaling. A decision on the case is expected later this year. But environmentalists here have criticised the Australian government for not doing enough to stop the Japanese.

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