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媒体英语会带大家一起学习 BBC 撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用到的单词和短语。

A monument in memory of the victims of the Holocaust was built in Berlin

世界上已知年齡最大的二战大屠杀幸存者爱丽丝·赫兹·萨默223日在伦敦去世。赫兹•萨默出生在布拉格的一个犹太家庭她曾被送入位于捷克境内的雷津纳粹集中营,在那里度过两年时光下是BBC记者Vincent Down 的报道:


Alice Herz-Sommer had to face some of the worst events of the 20th Century: her husband died in the Dachau concentration camp. But she remained an optimist with a faith in humankind.

Born in 1903, she knew the writer Franz Kafka as a family friend.

Alice was taught piano: when she played, she said, she was with God. At Theresienstadt she was allowed to play still, which made her think the camp would not be so bad.

She was lucky to get out alive with her young son. Stephan, she said, had helped her survive.

Alice Herz-Sommer: "Love! When you love somebody it's beautiful. People complain. Why complain?"

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