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Authorities hope more people will use public transport


巴黎的司机经历了一天不同寻常的交通限制,这是因为政府为了减少巴黎市的高度空气污染而采取的措施。在317日,只有单号车牌的车辆才允许上路。第二天,如果该限制仍旧继续的话,则只有双号车牌的汽车才能上路。BBC记者 Hugh Schofield 发回以下报道

Seven hundred police will be monitoring traffic from early in the morning. If you're caught in an even-numbered car, you're liable to a small fine, and you'll be told to turn back home. There are exceptions for electric and hybrid vehicles, and for cars carrying three or more passengers.

The measure's been tried once before, in 1997, when it's claimed it did have a noticeable impact on improving air quality. However for many people in Paris and the suburbs it's going to mean a day of inconvenience, and delivery companies are already complaining of lost income.

Politically, the stakes are high, because it comes just a week before Parisians start electing their new mayor.

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