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Titanic memorabilia is big business at auction houses

沉没游轮泰坦尼克号上最后一封书信在拍卖会上以11.9万英镑的高价成交。这封信由幸存者 Esther Hart 和她年幼的女儿于1912年在泰坦尼克号沉没数小时前书写。请听BBC 记者 Duncan Kennedy 发回的报道。


Esther Hart sat down with her seven-year-old daughter Eva to write the letter just eight hours or so before the Titanic hit the iceberg. It was for her mother in London. And in it Mrs Hart wrote that they were enjoying what she called "the wonderful journey".

She said they were likely to arrive in New York early because of the speed at which the ship was travelling.

The letter ended up in the coat pocket of her husband Benjamin and only survived because he gave her the coat to keep warm. He died along with more than 1,500 others.

Titanic memorabilia continues to be big business. A menu on the day of the disaster was recently sold for £76,000, whilst a violin, played as the ship sank, went for £900,000.

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