BBC Learning English 英语教学

This shark at the Sydney Aquarium certainly had visitors shaking in their boots


Sharks in general are feared, yet some species are gentle giants that feed harmlessly on plankton. Others have highly developed senses that allow them to detect prey from tiny signals sent from miles away. Beware of these!

一般来说鲨鱼会令人感到恐惧,不过也有某些鲨鱼种类却是温和的巨人,靠漂流生物为生。还有另外一些鲨鱼,它们的触感相当发达,能探测几英里之外猎物发出的信号。 大家对这类鲨鱼可得提高警惕啊!


短语 loan shark 直译是“贷款鲨鱼”,实意是指放高利贷的人,而且多数情况下他们是非法放贷的。


During the recession, many people lost their jobs and turned to loan sharks to pay their bills.

The police announced they will arrest loan sharks who have been threatening to break the legs of clients with late payments.


另一个与海洋动物有关的短语是 sleeping with the fishes 用来形容某人被犯罪分子谋杀了,葬身鱼腹。美国电影《教父》促使了这个表达的流行。这是一个非正式用语。


Don't worry about him, Vinnie. He's sleeping with the fishes. Don Corleone would be proud of me!

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