中国日报网 2014-10-24 08:53

Taxis wait for customers in Handan, Hebei province. Regulations that will hold drivers to higher standards and give passengers the right to refuse payment go into effect on Jan 1. Hao Qunying / For China Daily
A new taxi industry regulation will allow passengers to refuse to pay fares if drivers break certain rules. The regulation requires drivers to choose the most direct route, and says they cannot refuse passengers' requests, negotiate the price or drop off passengers in the middle of the trip.
将于明年1月1日起正式施行的出租车行业新规(new taxi industry regulation)规定,出租汽车营运过程中,“驾驶员不按照规定使用计价器,或者计价器发生故障时继续运营”(drivers don't use meters or keep the taxi running when the meter is down)、“驾驶员不按照规定向乘客出具相应车费票据”(drivers don't give receipts)、“驾驶员因发生道路交通安全违法行为接受处理,不能将乘客及时送达目的地”(drivers don't get passengers to destinations due to violation of traffic rules)、“驾驶员拒绝按规定接受刷卡付费”(drivers refuse to accept payment via transportation cards)等四种情形之下,乘客有权拒绝支付租车费用。
近两年,有关出租车的新闻中最热门的大概是“打车软件”(taxi-hailing apps or cab-hailing apps)之间的抢人大战了。各个软件平台纷纷推出返现优惠政策吸引用户,最受益的当然就是打车一族了。该规定也明确,各地应当根据实际情况发展出租汽车电召服务,采取多种方式建设出租汽车电召服务平台,推广人工电话召车(taxi-calling hotline)、手机软件召车(taxi-calling apps)、网络约车(online booking)等出租汽车电召服务,建立完善电召服务管理制度。
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)