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The HIV virus has infected more than 35 million people


一项重要科学研究报告指出,随着 HIV艾滋病毒的不断演化,此类病毒的“毒性”有减弱迹象。英国牛津大学的研究人员说艾滋病毒本身出现的变化可能有助于对艾滋病疫情的控制。以下是 BBC 记者 James Gallagher 的报道:

More than 35 million people are infected with HIV. In their bodies, a devastating battle between the immune system and the virus is taking place, and it results in Aids once the body's defences are annihilated.

But a team at the University of Oxford found the immune system can score significant victories. Their study in Botswana showed HIV was being forced to make damaging mutations in order to survive.

It is now replicating more slowly and takes longer to cause Aids in the country. The group said the watering down of HIV would help efforts to eradicate the virus, but cautioned a weakened HIV was still dangerous.

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