走近兵马俑 <img src="/data/attachement/jpg/site1/20150127/00221910993f163193442d.jpg" border="0" />
中国日报网 2014-12-10 17:45
It was pure dumb luck! 这事纯属巧合! 口语君:dumb作形容词有哑的、无声的意思。但dumb luck却与"哑"毫不相干,它是一种非正式用法,常用于口语中,指"发生了意想不到的好事,尤指这事本不会发生"。例如:It was just dumb luck that we found the place at all. (我们发现了那个地方纯属巧合。) 如: A: How come hurt locker won Oscars? 《拆弹部队》那种片子怎么能获奥斯卡奖呢? B: Dumb luck! 走狗屎运呗! |
The backstory on the warriors |
Each statue is unique! |
Are the warriors naked? |
Terracotta Army & Emperor Qin |
可以逛西安的哪些地方? What can you see in Xi'an? 作为周、秦、汉、隋、唐等13个朝代的首都,西安无疑是中国古代文明的重要发祥地。作为中国古都之首,这里的古迹、建筑、遗址数不胜数。要是没个人推荐,还真容易挑花眼。 |
西安是丝绸之路的起点 Xi'an: the start of the old Silk Road 2000多年前,汉武帝派遣张骞出使西域,开辟一条横贯东西、连接欧亚的丝绸之路。大漠孤烟,驼铃古道,从此中西方之间的交通正式开通,揭开了延续一千多年的丝绸之路发展和兴盛的序幕。 |
西安街边小吃 Street food in Xi'an Yangrou Paomo, or Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup, is a famous local snack in Xian. The main ingredient in this mouth-watering dish is mutton and pita bread. Diner shreds the bread with his hands and places the shreds in a bowl, the soup is then poured over the shreds. 羊肉泡馍是先当地有名的小吃。这种令人垂涎欲滴的美食主要原料是羊肉和馍饼。 食客将馍用手撕碎,并将其放在碗里。然后,店家会把汤浇在碎末上。 |
西安旅游 Travel around Xi'an We went to Xi'an for four days, but you can see it in less. In fact, it's easy to do in two days, if you take the overnight sleeper to get there and to come back. Then you have two full days on the ground. You need most of one day for the warriors. 我们去西安玩了四天,但你可能不用那么久。实际上,如果你往返都坐那种睡一晚就到的列车,两天就能轻松在西安玩个遍。你有两整天可以在城里游玩。你用一天的大部分时间参观兵马俑。 |
神秘秦陵 Qin's tomb Qin's tomb itself remains unexcavated, though court historian Sima Qian's writings suggest even greater treasures may still be inside. It said the tomb was filled with models of palaces, pavilions and offices as well as fine vessels, precious stones and rarities. 虽然宫廷史官司马迁的记载显示,秦始皇陵墓中藏有更大宝藏,但其陵墓至今未被挖掘。据说陵墓里有宫殿、楼阁、官府和精致船只,宝石和稀世珍宝。 |
(中国日报网英语点津 丁一,Helen)