BBC Learning English 英语教学

Cowboys from South America are known as gauchos


The history of the domestication of horses is disputed, but there is evidence that horses were being used as a means of transport over 4,000 years ago.



在英语里,我们常用 hold your horses 这个短语来告诉别人应停下来仔细考虑他们对某件事情的看法或意见。


Hold your horses! You've only known her for a week. It's way too soon to think about marriage!

Hold your horses! You shouldn't quit your job just because you've had one bad day. Things might get better.

Hold your horses! Getting a tattoo on your face might seem like a good idea now, but you'll have to live with it for the rest of your life.


To hold your own 的意思是和别人一样成功。


It was a fierce debate but Kate really held her own. It's difficult to say who won.

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