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The end of the road for older drivers


老年人一向被认为是最安全的司机群体。他们一般不会在交通高峰时段上路,发生事故的机率也比年轻司机小很多。可是越来越多的老年司机在英国被撤销驾照了,原因是什么呢?请听 Judith Moritz 的报道:

Motorists over 70 are considered to be amongst the safest on the road. Many avoid rush-hour and late-night driving and are said to cause fewer accident-related injuries than younger drivers.

But more of them than ever are being stopped from driving for medical reasons. In 2011 just over 10,000 over-70s were banned because of their health. By last year, that figure had risen by a third to nearly 13,000 drivers.

The DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) says it is not clear why there has been such a surge in the number of older drivers losing their licence on health grounds.

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