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The whales’ long journeys have intrigued scientists


科学家们说一条灰鲸横穿太平洋游出了单程2.25万公里的距离,创下哺乳动物迁徙距离最长的纪录。据追踪器显示,这条母灰鲸从俄罗斯海域出发一路南下至墨西哥然后又返回始发地。此研究报告发表在了《生物学报》(Biology Letters)上。以下是 Helen Briggs 的报道。

Scientists tracked the migration of the gray whale from one side of the North Pacific to the other and back again. The round trip took 172 days and covered 14,000 miles.

Researchers were surprised the female could find her way from the coast of Russia across the Bering Sea then down to breeding grounds off Mexico.

Conservationists say the small numbers of rare gray whales living in waters off eastern Russia may be part of a larger population travelling back and forth across the Pacific.

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