BBC Learning English 英语教学

Hot air balloons were one of the first forms of air transport



Hot air balloons can reach amazing heights - the world record is over 21,000 metres! At such height, it's difficult to breathe, so oxygen tanks and masks are needed by anyone travelling above 5,000 metres. Of course anyone ballooning at so high will also need to wrap up warm!

热气球能飞得很高很高,世界纪录是超过21000米!在这么高的高度,人要呼吸是很困难的,所以超过5000米的高度, 在热气球上的人就需要氧气瓶和氧气面罩了。当然在高空行驶,一定要注意保暖哦!

我们可以用 to rise to the top 来形容某人在自己行业里非常成功,并升到了最高层。


She rose to the top of the legal profession and became one of the most successful lawyers in the country.

He rose to the top at a young age and won many singing awards.


另一个实用的短语是 give rise to,意思是造成了什么(问题)。


The employee’s behaviour gave rise to many complaints.

The company director’s speech gave rise to the belief that he had decided to retire.

The financial crisis has given rise to reforms in many economies.

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