BBC Learning English 英语教学

Whale song plan for old military base 改建之后的“鲸鱼之歌”旅游景点


苏格兰一座小岛上的居民打算购买当地一幢在冷战期间被用来做监视观察的楼房并将其改造成供游客聆听鲸鱼歌声的景点。以下是 Colin Blane 的报道。

When the top secret radio and radar station was established on the headland at Aird Uig 60 years ago, it was part of Nato's early warning system against Soviet submarines and aircraft. Now the Ministry of Defence has no further use for the derelict buildings and the windswept clifftop site.

But local people are convinced the old base could help transform the economy of the area. Where Aird Uig once listened out for possible enemy attack, it's hoped a hydrophone could be placed in the sea to pick up the sound of whales.

There are plans for a visitor centre, with a dark skies night observatory. Other attractions include unexplored sea caves and cliff climbs which have never been tackled.

If it goes ahead, it will be one of Scotland's smallest and most unusual community buy-outs.


warning system  警报系统
derelict             弃置的,废弃的
hydrophone       水中检波器,水中听音器
unexplored       未开发的
have never been tackled  从未被攻克、被攀登
buy-outs           收购



1. What was the base used for?
2. What are the buildings like?
3. True or false? The initiative is promising because the natural spots are well-known to tourists.
4. Which word means 'original; not often seen'?


1. What was the base used for?
Answer: To find out if there were Soviet submarines and aircraft in the area.

2.What are the buildings like?
Answer: The buildings are on the top of cliffs where there are strong winds all the time and they are derelict. 

3. True or false? The initiative is promising because the natural spots are well-known to tourists.
Answer: False. The report says that the sea caves are unexplored and the cliffs haven't been tackled by climbers.

4. Which word means 'original; not often seen'?
Answer: Unusual.

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