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Special book makes water drinkable 巧用书本过滤饮用水



美国的研究人员设计了一本教人们如何通过过滤方式获取饮用水的说明书。而这本书的每一页纸都可以被撕下来充当滤纸。 BBC 的  Jonathan Webb  有以下报

More than 600 million people around the world lack access to clean drinking water and this book has the potential to help.

It's relatively cheap, easy to ship and its pages serve two purposes: firstly, they are printed with instructions on how and why water should be filtered; secondly, they can be torn out and used as filters.

The paper contains nanoparticles of copper or silver, which kill bacteria and the new trial results from water sources in South Africa, Ghana and Bangladesh confirm that on average the paper slashes the bacteria count of contaminated water by well over 99%.


lack 缺乏
potential 潜力
torn out (从书本里)撕下来 
nanoparticles 纳米粒子
copper 铜,铜的 
silver 银,银的 
bacteria 细菌
slashes 削减,大幅降低
contaminated 受污染的



1. How will people know how to use the book to make water safe to drink?
2. True or false? Any book can be used to make water drinkable.
How effective is the filter in making water safe?
4. Which word in the article means 'scientific test'?


1. How will people know how to use the book to make water safe to drink?
Answer: Instructions on how to use it are written on the pages.

2. True or false? Any book can be used to make water drinkable.
Answer: False. The pages of this particular book contain copper and silver, which kill bacteria.

3. How effective is the filter in making water safe?
Answer: According to the report, it removes over 99% of bacteria from contaminated water.

4. Which word in the article means 'scientific test'?
Answer: Trial.

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