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李克强夏季达沃斯开幕致辞(双语全文) Full Text: Li Keqiang's speech at Summer Davos opening ceremony

中国日报网 2015-09-11 18:03


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We believe that the Chinese economy is on the right track and its future will be even brighter. This is not unrealistic optimism. Our confidence is based on the sound foundation, condition and momentum of economic growth.

The Chinese economy is resilient and full of potential. China is going through the process of a new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization, which all serve to generate strong domestic demand. China has a vast territory and diverse industries. That means, the Chinese economy is supported not by a single pillar but multiple pillars. It is highly resilient and shock-resistant. The Chinese people are now working toward the goal of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020. This will mobilize the whole society and generate a strong force driving development.

Meanwhile, the ongoing structural reform is constantly delivering benefits. China remains the biggest developing country in the world. Development is of overriding importance. It holds the key to resolving all issues in China. What we aim for is development that is scientific, quality-based, efficient and sustainable. To achieve such development, further reform and opening-up is required. We are comprehensively deepening reform, accelerating structural reform and pursuing an innovation-driven development strategy to fully unleash the potential of economic growth. We want to make sure that the economy maintains medium-high speed of growth and moves to medium-high level of development.

Since the beginning of the year, we have deepened market reform in finance, taxation, investment, financing and prices. We adopted a host of measures to lift restrictions on market access and promote fair competition. We also strengthened reform on structural adjustment. Reform in the financial sector has been advanced in accordance with market principles and rule of law. An open and transparent capital market that enjoys long-term, steady and sound development is being fostered. Meanwhile, we are stepping up risk management to make sure that no regional or systemic financial risk will occur. The high savings rate and large foreign exchange reserves means China has ample financial resources. There is plenty of water in the pool so to speak. What is important is to get the water flowing and channel financial resources into the real economy. We will continue with structural reform to tap the full potential of existing resources, and improve the allocation of resources and put them to more efficient use.

Recently, we have taken a number of reform measures as we cut interest rate and required reserve ratio. Going forward, we will continue to ease restrictions on the access of private capital to the financial sector, and actively develop private banks, financing guarantee and financial leasing to better support the real economy. We have improved the quotation regime of the RMB central parity to make the exchange rate more market-based. We will continue to keep the RMB basically stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level, and gradually make the RMB convertible under the capital account. By the end of the year, the China International Payment System (CIPS) will be launched to support the further development of offshore RMB market and the "going global" strategy of Chinese equipments.

Let me repeat, we will make sure that no regional or systemic financial risk will occur. For China to advance structural reform, it is important to unleash the infinite creativity of the people.

At last year's Summer Davos, I raised the idea of mass entrepreneurship and innovation. This in fact makes a major part of China's ongoing structural reform and adjustment. Measures have been taken to streamline administration, delegate government power, strengthen regulation and improve services. Steps have also been taken to cut taxes and fees for small and micro enterprises, establish investment funds to guide entrepreneurship, and promote the "Internet +" and "Made in China 2025" strategies. Consequently, the people's creativity and entrepreneurial passion have been unlocked, and a massive wave of entrepreneurship and innovation is sweeping across the country. Those involved include both people at the grass-roots and high-calibre professionals, from college graduates, migrant workers and returned overseas students to researchers, technical experts and senior managers. There are various platforms for entrepreneurship and innovation, which attracts both small and micro companies as well as big corporations. Platforms such as crowd innovation, crowd outsourcing, crowd support and crowd funding have been set up, changing the way of production and management. It allows employees within the company to get rewards in addition to their salary by sharing their creative ideas on-line. It also gives opportunity to makers outside the company to take part in innovation and share the benefits. As a result, a large group of micro businesses have been incubated, and collaborations among research institutions through the Internet have made their innovation more efficient.

Mass entrepreneurship and innovation is a strong power driving development. Creativity of the people is the greatest asset for development. China has a labor force of 900 million and over 7 million people graduate from college every year, with more and more of them joining the ranks of entrepreneurship and innovation. This has led to new supply and demand, and could well count as a major factor in keeping growth stable. Mass entrepreneurship and innovation means more employment. Though growth is moderating, more jobs are being created because new market entities keep emerging. Measures to streamline administration, delegate government power and reform the business system have enabled new businesses to get started. For the past one and a half year, over 10,000 new businesses have been registered on a daily basis in China, and the momentum is still growing, creating a lot of jobs in the process. Mass entrepreneurship and innovation gives impetus to developing a sharing economy.

The sharing economy that is now thriving on a global scale opens a new way to driving economic growth. Entrepreneurship and innovation through sharing and collaboration lower the threshold and costs and increase the speed of doing business. This opens up space for developing the sharing economy in China and may get a lot of people involved. Mass entrepreneurship and innovation represents an innovative step in the income distribution model. With tens of thousands of people earning more through innovation and starting up businesses, primary distribution gets to play a bigger role. A distinct Chinese model of wealth creation through hard work and mass participation is now taking shape. And this will help put in place a more equitable distribution pattern. Mass entrepreneurship and innovation is effective in promoting social justice. As long as they are willing and capable, all people could establish themselves and lead a promising life through innovation and entrepreneurship. They could all have an equal chance for development and for moving up the social ladder, and could all enjoy a life of purpose and dignity.

Mass entrepreneurship and innovation requires comprehensive and accessible supply of public goods and services. This also requires structural reform. Instead of acting on its own, the government encourages the participation of private capital and foreign investment. By promoting government procurement of social services, PPP, franchising and other market-oriented approaches, we encourage and guide the participation of private investment in the development, operation and management of public goods and services. In addition, we have relaxed market access for foreign investment. As a result, a new model of diverse supply of public goods and services has been forged. Going forward, we will continue to advance such reform, so as to facilitate entrepreneurship and innovation, promote better economic development and improve people's living standards.

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