BBC Learning English 英语教学

President Xi Jinping in the UK, Syrian conflict and Tutankhamun's beard 习近平主席访英、 叙利亚冲突和图坦卡蒙的胡须


British-Chinese relations 习近平主席访英女王谈英中关系

Thousands of people flee Aleppo 数万人逃离叙利亚城市阿勒颇

Restoring Tutankhamun's beard 图坦卡蒙的胡须的复原工程


In a speech at Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth has described the emerging relationship between China and the UK as a global partnership. She said the state visit of China's president Xi Jinping, is a defining moment.


It's estimated 35,000 people have been displaced by an upsurge in fighting around the Syrian city of Aleppo. It's one of five areas where government forces have launched offensives since Russia began supporting their operations with airstrikes at the end of September.


A year ago the beard of Tutankhamun in a museum in Cairo was accidently knocked off. It was then very hastily reattached amid much controversy. Well it's now confirmed that a team of experts is to remove the beard and reattach it more carefully. It could all take up to two months.



defining moment 决定性的时刻

displaced 流离失所

launched offensives 发起军事进攻

controversy 争议



displaced / launched offensives / defining moment / controversy

1. The invention of the motor car was a _______ for the future of people's mobility.

2. People in the village were _______ after weeks of rain caused a terrible flood.

3. It was a dangerous situation for everyone as the enemy army _______ on the city.

4. There was much ______ about plans to build a wind farm in an area of outstanding natural beauty.


1. The invention of the motor car was a defining moment for the future of people's mobility.

2.People in the village were displaced after weeks of rain caused a terrible flood.

3.It was a dangerous situation for everyone as the enemy army launched offensives on the city.

4. There was much controversy about plans to build a wind farm in an area of outstanding natural beauty.

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